English in Action (3) 3/e Student Book

  • 結合生活與職場情境 ,提升學生21 世紀的關鍵技能
  • CEF: B1
  • 出版商-Cengage Learning

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English in Action, Third Edition is a four-level, standards-based integrated language learning program that prepares adults for work and academic success.

The third edition of 
English in Action features authentic and high-interest content from National Geographic to promote critical thinking and 21st century skills.

English in Action, Third Edition retains its best-selling grammar approach and relevance of topics to learners’ lives that prepare learners for education or a career pathway.

➤ NEW clearly identified ‘Academic’, ‘At work’, and ‘Civics’ content meets the goals set forth in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as well as national and state standards and objectives including College and Career Readiness (CCRS), English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), and EL Civics.

➤ NEW video featuring National Geographic footage and authentic photography connect adult learners to topics that affect their communities and their world.

➤ NEW AND UPDATED readings help learners to think critically as they learn new vocabulary and structures presented within the theme of each unit.

➤ UPDATED grammar charts are concise and clear to ensure adult learners have an understanding of the basic structures of English as they become confident in their new language.

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