Reflect-Listening and Speaking (5) Student Book

  • CEF: B2
  • 出版商-Cengage Learning
  • 出版年-2022

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Relatable, student-centered content combined with essential academic-skill instruction make the new six-level Reflect series unique.

As students interact with the engaging content, they not only master English, but also navigate their place in the world. Reflect builds students' confidence and helps them achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals.

A clear framework of academic and critical thinking skills prepares students for future listening and speaking success.

Reflect connects to:

➤ IDEAS – Real world content from National Geographic and other sources invites students to explore interesting ideas for discussion, enrichment, and fun.

➤ ACADEMIC SKILLS – A clear framework of academic and critical thinking skills prepares students for future listening and speaking success.

➤ STUDENTS’ LIVES - Reflect activities provide opportunities for students to personalize, check their understanding, and think more critically about the topic.

➤ ACHIEVEMENT – Clear models and step-by-step planning give students the support they need to reach their academic outcomes and a greater understanding of their world.

Reflect brings the world to ALL classrooms… DIGITAL RESOURCES support in person, blended, and virtual classes with online graded practice, interactive eBook, assessment, and classroom presentation tool. 

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