Active Skills for Reading(3) 3/e Student Book

  • 英語教學大師 Neil J. Anderson 代表作
  • CEF: B2
  • 出版商-Cengage Learning

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ACTIVE Skills for Reading is an exciting five-level reading series that develops learners’ reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Written by reading specialist Neil J. Anderson, the new edition of this best-selling series uses an ACTIVE approach to help learners become more confident, independent—and active—readers. 

ACTIVE Reading A = Activate Prior Knowledge C = Cultivate Vocabulary T = Think About Meaning I = Increase Reading Fluency V = Verify Strategies E = Evaluate Progress

The new, third edition of ACTIVE Skills for Reading maintains the ACTIVE approach developed by reading specialist, Professor Neil J Anderson. The following enhancements to this new edition encourage learners to become more confident, independent, and active readers:

➤ Motivational Tips! In each chapter feature Neil Anderson’s advice on increasing student motivation.

➤ New reading passages cover contemporary topics and a variety of text types including articles, journals, blogs, and interviews.

➤ In the later levels, readings are based on authentic content from National Geographic.

➤ Full-color design presents the series’ content in an accessible and attractive format.

➤ New Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® reflects the needs of learners preparing for standardized tests.

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